
Encontre facilmente a localização dos alunos nas escolas com nosso aplicativo, disponível para pais, responsáveis, alunos e professores.


Rua da Educação, 123


Seg - Sex

Localização Escolar

Ferramentas para monitorar alunos em tempo real nas escolas.

top view photo of woman sitting near MacBook Pro facing the camera
top view photo of woman sitting near MacBook Pro facing the camera
Aplicativos Educacionais

Conectando pais, alunos e professores de forma eficiente.

woman wearing blue denim jacket holding book
woman wearing blue denim jacket holding book
man in brown sweater sitting on chair
man in brown sweater sitting on chair
three men laughing while looking in the laptop inside room
three men laughing while looking in the laptop inside room
Segurança Estudantil

Aumentando a segurança e a comunicação nas instituições educacionais.

Localização Eficiente

Ferramentas para monitorar alunos em escolas com aplicativos dedicados.

girl in blue jacket holding white and brown short coated puppy
girl in blue jacket holding white and brown short coated puppy
two men and four women meeting in office
two men and four women meeting in office
boy wearing blue backpack
boy wearing blue backpack
selective focus photography of boy wearing white collared shirt
selective focus photography of boy wearing white collared shirt
woman in teal long sleeve shirt holding black laptop computer
woman in teal long sleeve shirt holding black laptop computer
high-angle photography of group of people sitting at chairs
high-angle photography of group of people sitting at chairs